Sunday, May 10, 2009

sepak terjang intelejent inggris dibalik pembentukan paham wahabi

Fakta telah membuktikan bahwa peperangan yang besar sekalipun tidak akan mampu menghancurkan kaum muslim. Peperangan - peperangan yang terjadi dari jaman Rasul sampai sekarang dilalui kaum muslim dengan gagah berani. Beberapa negara dengan kekuatan besar tetap tidak bisa menghalau muslim yang tampil dengan alat apaadanya.

Tetapi "perpecahan" yang terjadi di tubuh kaum muslim, ternyata berdampak luar biasa bagi kemunduran kaum muslim di seluruh dunia. Perpecahan yang terjadi setelah rasul wafat, terus tumbuh dan berkembang dan diwariskan kepada anak cucu.

Perpecahan di tubuh kaum muslim menjadi senjata tangguh kaum kafir dan munafik untuk menghancurkan Islam. Perpecahan kaum muslim sangat menguntungkan mereka, karena mereka tidak perlu mengangkat senjata dan mengeluarkan biaya/tenaga yang besar. Cukup menyulit api perpecahan dan kaum muslim akan saling menghancurkan.

Beberapa isi buku :

Prepace :

The first mischief contrived to demolish
Islam from within was instigated by a Jew, namely Abdullah bin
Sebe’ of Yemen. He established the Shiite sect against the Ahl
as-sunna, the true Muslim group. From then on, Jews under
the cloak of Shiite scholars in every century consolidated this
( Penghancuran muslim kedalam golongan pertama kali dilakukan oleh seorang jahudi yang bernama: Abdullah bin Sebe. Dia mendirikan aliran shiite yang bertentangan dengan ahlul sunnah. Dari sana Jahudi yang bernaung ke dalam aliran ini terus memperkuat aliran tsb)

Hempher, only one of the
thousands of male and female agents employed and sent forth
to all countries by this ministry, entrapped a person named
Muhammad of Najd in Basra, misled him for several years, and
caused him to establish the sect called Wahhâbî in 1125 [1713
A.D.]. They announced this sect in 1150.
(Hemper seorang diantara ribuan agents yang dikirim ke semua negara oleh kerajaan inggris. Dia berhasil mempengaruhi Muhammad of Najd  untuk mendirikan paham Wahabi tahun 1125 H dan mempubikasikannya pada tahun 1150 H.)

Hempher...seorang agent rahasia inggris yang ditugaskan kerajaan untuk mencari kelemahan muslim. Dia telah belajar bahasa2 Arab dan Al-quran dan menyamar menjadi seorang muslim hidup bertahun2 dinegeri muslim dan mencari kelemahan2 muslim dan melihat celah2 perpecahan muslim untuk menyulut perpecahan antar muslim.

Bagaimana proses Hempher untuk dapat masuk kedalam dunia Islam dan berhasil mempengaruhi seorang muslim untuk membuat paham baru . ????  Silahkan baca bukunya

Beberapa isi buku tersebut :

After a very tiresome voyage I arrived in Istanbul. I said my
name was Muhammad and began to go to the mosque,
Muslims’ temple. I liked the way Muslims observed discipline,
cleanliness and obedience. For a moment I said to myself: Why
are we fighting these innocent people? Is this what our Lord Jesus Christ advised us? But I at once recovered from this
diabolical [!] thought, and decided to carry out my duty in the
best manner.

(hal 11 - 12)

For he considered me a
guest who had come to Istanbul to work in Turkey and to live in
the shadow of the Khalîfa, the representative of the Prophet
Muhammad. Indeed, this was the pretext I used to stay in
One day I said to Ahmed Efendi: “My parents are dead. I
don’t have any brothers or sisters, and I haven’t inherited any
property. I came to the center of Islam to work for a living and to
learn Qur’ân al-kerîm and the Sunnat, that is, to earn both my
worldly needs and my life in the Hereafter.” He was very
delighted with these words of mine, and said, “You deserve to
be respected for these three reasons.” I am writing down
exactly what he said:
“1- You are a Muslim. All Muslims are brothers.
2- You are a guest. Rasûlullah ‘sall-Allâhu alaihi wa sallam’
declared: ‘Offer kind hospitality to your guests!’
3- You want to work. There is a hadîth-i sherîf stating that ‘a
person who works is beloved to Allah.’ ”

( hal 12 )

Muslims say that “There are many proofs for Muhammad’s
‘alaihis-salâm’ prophethood. One of them is the Qur’ân
(Koran).” I have read the Qur’ân. Indeed, it is a very high book.
It is even higher than the Torah (Taurah) and the Bible. For it
contains principles, regulations, moral rules, etc

(hal 18)

“O Hempher, your next mission comprises these two tasks:
1- To discover Muslims’ weak points and the points through
which we can enter their bodies and disjoin their limbs. Indeed,
this is the way to beat the enemy.
2- The moment you have detected these points and done
what I have told you to, [in other words, when you manage to
sow discord among Muslims and set them at loggerheads with
one another], you will be the most successful agent and earn a
medal from the Ministry.”
( hal 17 )

Muslims say that “There are many proofs for Muhammad’s
‘alaihis-salâm’ prophethood. One of them is the Qur’ân
(Koran).” I have read the Qur’ân. Indeed, it is a very high book.
It is even higher than the Torah (Taurah) and the Bible. For it
contains principles, regulations, moral rules, etc.

I think very much of Muhammad ‘alaihis-salâm’. No doubt,
he is one of Allah’s Prophets about whom we have read in
books. Yet, being a Christian, I have not believed in his
Prophethood yet. It is doubtless that he was very much superior
to geniuses.

(hal 18 -19)

Shiites say that they follow ’Alî bin Abû Tâlib, who was the
husband of Muhammad’s ‘alaihis-salâm’ daughter Fâtima and
at the same time Muhammad’s ‘alaihis-salâm’ paternal first
cousin. They say that Muhammad ‘alaihis-salâm’ appointed ’Alî
and the twelve imâms, ’Alî’s descendants to succeed him as the
Khalîfa .

The Sunnites, on the other hand, say, “After the Prophet’s
passing away, Muslims considered Abû Bekr and ’Umar and
’Uthmân and ’Alî suitable for the caliphate.”
Controversies of this sort exist in all religions, most
abundantly in Christianity. Since both ’Umar and ’Alî are dead
today, maintaining these controversies would serve no useful
purpose. To me, if Muslims are reasonable, they should think of
today, not of those very old days.[

One day in the Ministry of the Commonwealth I made a
reference to the difference between the Sunnites and the
Shiites, saying, “If Muslims knew something about life, they
would resolve this Shiite-Sunnite difference among themselves
and come together.”Someone interrupted me and
remonstrated :
“Your duty is to provoke this difference, not to
think of how to bring Muslims together.”
( hal 18 - 19 )

Before I set out for my journey to Iraq, the secretary said, “O
Hempher, you should know that there has been natural
differences among human beings since God created Abel and
Cain. These controversies shall continue until the return of
Jesus Christ. So is the case with racial, tribal, territorial,
national, and religious controversies.
Your duty this time is to diagnose these controversies well
and to report to the ministry. The more successful you are in
aggravating the differences among Muslims the greater will be
your service to England.

sumber :

Attachment: spy.pdf


  1. info ini udah lama ana denger tapi baru sekarang tau referensinya.
    syukron ukh

  2. oh githu ya pak,,yah mg g sia2 ane posting nih..

  3. sip..silahkan...
    ane jg mau meluncur ke site anty..nunggu janji anti diemail lama bged sih..^_^

  4. kl intlijen inggris sm freemason ada hubungannya gk ya?



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